Section: New Results

Other Topics Related to Security and Distributed Computing

Network Monitoring and Fault Detection

Monitoring a system consists in collecting and analyzing relevant information provided by the monitored devices, so as to be continuously aware of the system state (situational awareness). However, the ever growing complexity and scale of systems makes both real time monitoring and fault detection a quite tedious task. Thus the usually adopted option is to focus solely on a subset of information states, so as to provide coarse-grained indicators. As a consequence, detecting isolated failures or anomalies is a quite challenging issue. We propose in [24] , [44] to address this issue by pushing the monitoring task at the edge of the network. We present a peer-to-peer based architecture, which enables nodes to adaptively and efficiently self-organize according to their ”health” indicators. By exploiting both temporal and spatial correlations that exist between a device and its vicinity, our approach guarantees that only isolated anomalies (an anomaly is isolated if it impacts solely a monitored device) are reported on the fly to the network operator. We show that the end-to-end detection process, i.e., from the local detection to the management operator reporting, requires a logarithmic number of messages in the size of the network.

Metrics Estimation on Very Large Data Streams

In [12] , we consider the setting of large scale distributed systems, in which each node needs to quickly process a huge amount of data received in the form of a stream that may have been tampered with by an adversary (i.e., data items ordering can be manipulated by an omniscient adversary [13] ). In this situation, a fundamental problem is how to detect and quantify the amount of work performed by the adversary. To address this issue, we propose AnKLe (for Attack-tolerant eNhanced Kullback- Leibler divergence Estimator), a novel algorithm for estimating the KL divergence of an observed stream compared to the expected one. AnKLe combines sampling techniques and information-theoretic methods. It is very efficient, both in terms of space and time complexities, and requires only a single pass over the data stream. Experimental results show that the estimation provided by AnKLe remains accurate even for different adversarial settings for which the quality of other methods dramatically decreases. Considering n as the number of distinct data items in a stream, we show that AnKLe is an (ε,δ)-approximation algorithm with a space complexity 𝒪˜(1ε+1ε2) bits in “most” cases, and 𝒪˜(1ε+n-ε-1ε2) otherwise. To the best of our knowledge, an approximation algorithm for estimating the Kullback-Leibler divergence has never been analyzed before. We go a step further by considering in [21] the problem of estimating the distance between any two large data streams in small-space constraint. This problem is of utmost importance in data intensive monitoring applications where input streams are generated rapidly. These streams need to be processed on the fly and accurately to quickly determine any deviance from nominal behavior. We present a new metric, the Sketch -metric, which allows to define a distance between updatable summaries (or sketches) of large data streams. An important feature of the Sketch -metric is that, given a measure on the entire initial data streams, the Sketch -metric preserves the axioms of the latter measure on the sketch (such as the non-negativity, the identity, the symmetry, the triangle inequality but also specific properties of the f-divergence or the Bregman one). Extensive experiments conducted on both synthetic traces and real data sets allow us to validate the robustness and accuracy of the Sketch -metric.

Robustness Analysis of Large Scale Distributed Systems

In the continuation of  [53] which proposed an in-depth study of the dynamicity and robustness properties of large-scale distributed systems, in [22] , we analyze the behavior of a stochastic system composed of several identically distributed, but non independent, discrete-time absorbing Markov chains competing at each instant for a transition. The competition consists in determining at each instant, using a given probability distribution, the only Markov chain allowed to make a transition. We analyze the first time at which one of the Markov chains reaches its absorbing state. When the number of Markov chains goes to infinity, we analyze the asymptotic behavior of the system for an arbitrary probability mass function governing the competition. We give conditions for the existence of the asymptotic distribution and we show how these results apply to cluster-based distributed systems when the competition between the Markov chains is handled by using a geometric distribution.

Secure Uniform Sampling in Dynamic Systems

In [21] , we consider the problem of achieving uniform node sampling in large scale systems in presence of a strong adversary. We first propose an omniscient strategy that processes on the fly an unbounded and arbitrarily biased input stream made of node identifiers exchanged within the system, and outputs a stream that preserves Uniformity and Freshness properties. We show through Markov chains analysis that both properties hold despite any arbitrary bias introduced by the adversary. We then propose a knowledge-free strategy and show through extensive simulations that this strategy accurately approximates the omniscient one. We also evaluate its resilience against a strong adversary by studying two representative attacks (flooding and targeted attacks). We quantify the minimum number of identifiers that the adversary must insert in the input stream to prevent uniformity. To our knowledge, such an analysis has never been proposed before.